Monday, March 30, 2009

Global warming under the bed.

Where Do I stand on Global warming and Climate Change?
I have to say that I stand behind the Many many eminent scientists
who say it is a a myth, I also think Al Gore is a publicity seeking
myth as well, well that's only wishful thinking I am afraid that old
Al is very much with us, Now I don't want to knock anyone here on this blog
Not even Al Gore, the washed up politician who has jumped on the global warming bandwagon to bolster his failing political career and public image.
Now he alone is going to save the planet.
Well according to al he is!
And unbelievably he is not alone in this as we all know, how many more governments are going to play the climate change Card to control its population and raise money through so called carbon taxes etc. and this hysteria is also fulled by the media whores that will say anything for a good scary story of global Armageddon.
Can you have confidence in any government who has a blinkered view of the facts, may be its a common enemy thing so we can all rally around behind them, the new Global warming enemy being the new REDS UNDER THE BED! Lets call it GLOBAL WARMING UNDER THE BED!
Do you want to go back to the days of McCarthyism? or I suppose you could call it Climate change..ism or global warming..ism

Now logical people like myself will be called heretics by what I call the lunatic fringe and I call anyone who believes or pretends to believe the lie of global climate change, the lunatic fringe....

BUT!!! ..It is OK for you to want to save the planet, so do I.

So what I am about with this blog?

What I am doing is facing cold hard facts, which are...

We are going to run out of oil and other carbon based fuels sooner than later so we better get other methods in place to keep the human race warm and moving around.

Pollution from burning fossil fuels is very bad with acid rain and other unpleasant side effects having an adverse on the planet But mark my words bad an all as this is ..(and we should stop using fossil fuels as soon as possible).. it is NOT going to cause this so called climate change Armageddon that is pushed down our necks every day......

I mean its just a bit arrogant of the so called intelligent governments to think we can play with the temperature of this planet to huge earth shattering proportions because the simple fact is they cant, nobody can!..
If you look back over history the climate has fluctuated up and down many times its a cyclical thing.

But saving energy should be every one's number one priority and governments should not have to resort to childish scare tactics to get their populations to tow the line.

global climate change ABC news
Global warming fact of myth?

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